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Letsignit Add-in Release Notes
Letsignit Add-in Release Notes
Written by Claire
Updated over a week ago

Release V1.12.9

Taskpan problem when changing signature

Release V1.12.8 (16/07/2024)

Optimization of addin cache more

Release V1.12.7

  • Embeded images retrieval has been improved to reduce signature insertion time

Release V1.12.5

  • Added a log to better understand certain authentication errors

Release V1.12.4

Release V1.10.2

  • An optimization has been made to avoid reinserting a new signature/campaign when a recipient is added and the audience remains unchanged.

Release V1.10.0

  • Add Exchange token authentication as fallback authentication if SSO authentication fails.

Release V1.7.0

  • An authentication error has been corrected: the user could no longer reconnect manually because the Add-in taskpan was grayed out. Now, in the event of an error, the user is redirected to the login page in the taskpanel.

Release V1.5.0

  • Optimized caching of audience type (internal/public)

Release V1.4.1

  • Some Google Analytics code in the Add-in has been removed

  • Some users were no longer seeing the "other signatures" folder and the "delegated signatures" folder in the Addin. We have fixed this bug.

Release V1.4.0

Letsignit offers repackaging: A customer with the Branding offer can now benefit from multi-signatures and delegated signatures.

Release V1.3.7

  • If a user did not have a Letsignit signature assigned yet, the Add-in was overwriting the signature manually created by the user in Outlook. This problem has been fixed.

Release V1.3.6

  • New feature: internal audience

    This feature allows you to relay specific signatures and campaigns for internal company communications.

    The signatures and campaigns of your employees will automatically be adapted to the recipients of their emails!

Release V1.3.5

  • From now on, when a user manually logs out of the Addin (via the Logout button in the right panel), all settings that were stored in the cache will be cleared (authentication token, signatures, etc)

Release V1.3.4

  • This release corrects some side-effects found in the 1.33 enhancements.

Release V1.3.3

  • Some users continued to have a signature when no signature was assigned to them, we have fixed this bug.

Release V1.3.0

  • End-users can choose their own default signature

New feature that allows end-users of the Add-in to choose their own default signature (= the signature that will be inserted in each new mail), among the different signatures that have been assigned to them.

Release V1.2.0 (2022/07/05)

  • Seamless authentication is available on Outlook Desktop.

    No action is required by end users thanks to seamless authentication, linked to the Microsoft 365 account and Azure Active Directory.

  • Wording change in the Letsignit Add-in panel.
    The section "My signatures" becomes "My default signature".

Release V1.1.1 (2022/05/05)

We have disabled the ability to embed images on the addin until we fix some bugs.

Release V 1.1.0 (2022/04/14)

  • Ability to embed images from a signature deployed with the Add-in!

    The Add-in can now take into account the image insertion mode that has been defined in the designer and embed or not the images.

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