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GSuite Push API: How to check the technical requirements?
GSuite Push API: How to check the technical requirements?

Technical requirements check for the Gmail Push API Connector.

Kévin Joffray avatar
Written by Kévin Joffray
Updated over 6 months ago

To benefit from your signatures on Gmail Webmail, you need to set up the Letsignit "API Push Connector", which will push your signatures into the signature library.

In order to configure the "API Push Connector" in your environment, please find below all the technical requirements for its implementation:

G suite Administrator

To deploy this feature, you must be an G Suite account administrator, you must have the G Suite account "Super Administrator" right, and you must have an active G Suite license.

The Admin account generated when the G Suite account was created must be used (not a G Suite user with Admin rights).

The "Super Administrator" must first have the 4 roles assigned to his organisational unit, to do this go to the "Users" tab.

Then select the Admin account:

Then check the roles assigned:

4 roles must be assigned, namely:

  • Super Admin

  • Groups Admin

  • User Management

  • Services Admin

API access authorization for the Gmail application

First, you need to authorise API access for the Gmail application. To do this, log into your G Suite Administration Console:

In the "Security" tab, please click on "API controls".

Click on "Manage third-party App Access".

Then add a new application by clicking on "Add app" and "OAuth Application Name or Client ID"

Search for "Letsignit" in search bar and select the application that will appear. Then click on "Select".

Check the "OAuth Client ID" box, to select all IDs and click on "Select".

Finally, select "Trusted: Can access all Google services", and click on "Configure".

Letsignit application registration

Now you need to register the Letsignit application so that we can push the signatures to G Mail.

To do this, go back to "API Commands" and go to "Manage domain wide delegation" in the "Domain wide delegation" section.

In the new window, click on "Add new"

Enter the following informations:

Once entered, authorise the request and you will have Letsignit added.

You can then return to your Letsignit platform. Click on "Autorize" to activate the connector.

Finally, allow Letsignit to automatically push your signatures to Gmail:

It may take some time for the change to be reflected on Google, so please refresh your "Connectors" page to ensure that the connection is effective.

#Gmail #Gsuite #Google #Push api #API #Webmail

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