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Expert Mode: How to format the attributes in your signatures?
Expert Mode: How to format the attributes in your signatures?

Learn how to add style to your attributes

Maxime Dery avatar
Written by Maxime Dery
Updated over a week ago

With export mode (HTML import), you can format the text attributes in your signatures. To do that, please follow these steps:

The syntax to use in your HTML code is: #####{{attribute | function (settings, …)}}

The available functions are:

  • upper to put it in UPPER CASE

  • lower to put it in lower case

  • capitalize to put only the first letter in upper case

  • replace (string to replace, replacement value) to replace part of the text for another.

  • truncate (size, true, ellipse) to limit the size of a string of characters

  • default (‘the string was empty’, true) to put a value if the variable is empty


If the attribute ‘city’ contains ‘Paris’

  • #####{{city | upper}} will result in PARIS

  • #####{{city | lower}} will result in paris

  • #####{{city | capitalize}} will result in Paris

If the variable “department” contains “GRP-Development-SMTP”

  • #####{{department | truncate(8, true, ")}} will result in GRP-De
    Only 8 characters are displayed, spaces included.

  • #####{{department | replace("GRP-","")}} will result in Development-SMTP

If the variable “department” is empty

  • #####{{ department | default("Head Office", true) }} will result in Head Office
    The empty value “department” has been replaced by the value “Head Office”

Advanced use:

You can also combine the functions by linking them together:

#####{{attribute | function1 | function2}}

If the attribute contains: GRP-Development-SMTP

  • #####{{department |replace("GRP-", "") | upper }} will result in DEVELOPMENT – SMTP

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