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How to format the attributes in your signatures?
How to format the attributes in your signatures?

Learn how to add style to your attributes

Maxime Dery avatar
Written by Maxime Dery
Updated over 7 months ago

With export mode (HTML import), you can format the text attributes in your signatures. To do that, please follow these steps:

The syntax to use in your HTML code is: #####{{attribute | function (settings, …)}}

The available functions are:

  • upper to put it in UPPER CASE

  • lower to put it in lower case

  • capitalize to put only the first letter in upper case

  • replace (string to replace, replacement value) to replace part of the text for another.

  • truncate (size, true, ellipse) to limit the size of a string of characters

  • default (‘the string was empty’, true) to put a value if the variable is empty


If the attribute ‘city’ contains ‘Paris’

  • #####{{city | upper}} will result in PARIS

  • #####{{city | lower}} will result in paris

  • #####{{city | capitalize}} will result in Paris

If the variable “department” contains “GRP-Development-SMTP”

  • #####{{department | truncate(8, true, ")}} will result in GRP-De
    Only 8 characters are displayed, spaces included.

  • #####{{department | replace("GRP-","")}} will result in Development-SMTP

If the variable “department” is empty

  • #####{{ department | default("Head Office", true) }} will result in Head Office
    The empty value “department” has been replaced by the value “Head Office”

Advanced use:

You can also combine the functions by linking them together:

#####{{attribute | function1 | function2}}

If the attribute contains: GRP-Development-SMTP

  • #####{{department |replace("GRP-", "") | upper }} will result in DEVELOPMENT – SMTP

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