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What is the Letsignit App?

Discover Letsignit's tips to boost your usage

Georges avatar
Written by Georges
Updated over a week ago

Enjoy Letsignit in your Outlook mailbox by downloading the application for both Windows and MacOs.

  1. Log in to your Letsignit account and click on Download for Outlook available at the top right under Setup.

2. Click on Download app to start the download of the App.

  • On MacOs :

  • On Windows :

3. Once the App installation is complete, it starts automatically. (You also can start it from the shortcut in your desktop for Windows, or from your Applications on MacOs)

You just have to log in to your Letsignit account to enjoy your signature in Outlook.

Once connected you can:

  • Preview your signatures and campaigns.

Add up to 5 email addresses to benefit from your Letsignit signatures on your various Outlook accounts.

To lean more about this feature, click here.

  • Edit your personal informations.

  • Customise your app settings and consult your notifications.

#app #application #mac #windows

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