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Letsignit App Release Notes

It's new, it's beautiful ... Find here what's new and fixed bugs of Letsignit App.

Georges avatar
Written by Georges
Updated over 3 months ago

Version / Date de release




  • wording has been changed for the system notification when users session expired



  • Upgrade from ElectronJS to version 31.1.0

  • Upgrade from Node to version 20.14.0

  • A system notification has been added to warn users that their session has expired and invite them to reconnect.



  • Change of Letsignit offers: Possibility for a client with Branding offer to benefit from multi-signatures and delegated signatures



  • ElectronJS version update to version 19

  • Security update of the desktop application


Bugs fixs

Fixed a bug in the display and download of some images in the APP

What’s new?

Socket IO version upgrade from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0


What’s new?

  • Upgrade from ElectronJS to version 16.0

Bugs fixed

  • [Windows] Fixed a bug on customizing the display of authentication methods with registry keys.


[WINDOWS] The application is now compatible with environments using binary coded values in the registry.


Fixed a bug on basic authentication triggered by the ADFS component that was no longer working


[Windows] Fixed an error on the creation of the registry key for embedding images


What’s new?

  • Reduction on CPU load when retrieving signatures

  • [WINDOWS] Change on the integration with Outlook & SSSO, we now use Powershell

  • [WINDOWS] Removed reg.exe dependency to interact with the registry

Bugs fixed

  • Fixed a translation on notifications

  • Fixed an error that blocked the retrieval of signatures

  • Fixed FAQ links in the app that were pointing to a non-existent page


  • Some accounts were automatically deactivated when starting a user session.

  • A timeout has been corrected, some Apps were no longer correctly synchronizing signatures

  • The App stopped working if special characters were present in the file path


What's new?

  • Added default 20 sec timeout for all requests

  • Ereased the default timeout for socket IO connection to 20 sec

  • Update from ElectronJS version to 11.3.0

  • Reduced CPU usage when calling the registry

  • [Windows] MSI generation modified to correctly handle the 64-bit environment

Bug fixed:

  • Correction on requests when the return was made in several parts



What's new?

  • Modification of the native Electron library allowing to perform http and https requests. This change provides the Letsignit App with better integration with the various proxy sets and corrects communication problems between the platform and the APP.

  • Removal of Google Analytics for performance monitoring.

  • Electron version upgrade to 11.2.0 (

Bug fixed:

  • Fixed a bug on macOS Big Sur where the App language was only available in English.

  • Fixed a display bug on the “save” button in the user profile (Improved app IPC exchanges to better manage request returns).



What's new?

  • The missing attributes alerts have been removed.

  • Removal of the "reply/transfer" tab if no specific signature

  • Help center: redirect the user to a more precise FAQ

  • Improve the re-synchronization of the value of a variable.

  • Upgrade of the Electron library

Bug fixed

  • Fixed a bug when modifying and adding the profile picture.

  • Fixed a JS error that sometimes occurred during an Azure connection (SSSO)

  • Resynchronizing the value of a variable did not work on mapped attributes

  • Some spacings and alignments in a signature did not appear correctly in the preview.


What's new?

  • Windows: Customization of the display of authentication methods using registry keys.

  • · It is now possible to retrieve the directory value of an attribute after manual changes.

  • Update of electron version to 9.3.1

  • macOS: Improved integration scripts with Outlook

  • Added global error handling to avoid unhandled javascript alerts



What's new?

  • [Electron] Updated to Electron version 9.

  • [Socket IO] Improved recovery of socket IO in the event of an outage.

Bug fixed:

  • A problem with the triggering of a user session by the Seamless SSO on the App has been fixed.

  • [Designer V2] A V2 signature recovery problem has been fixed.


V 1.7.6

What’s new?

  • It is now possible to view certificates for ADFS connections from a dedicated window.

  • The password creation process from the app is now equal to that of the platform.

  • Updated to Electron 7 version.

  • A button to access the Microsoft authentication window to consult information is in place in case of Seamless SSO time out.

Fixed bugs

  • A problem recovering images in base 64 has been fixed.

  • [Windows] A problem with the recovery of signatures which names contain special characters has been fixed.

  • A problem with the recovery of signatures made in expert mode has been fixed.

  • A display problem has been fixed; the app no longer displays two languages at the same time.

V 1.7.4

What’s new?

  • [MacOs] Updated installer to support Catalina.

  • The password reset email is based on the language of the App.

  • Translations have been added to the basic authentication window triggered by the ADFS.

  • [Windows] Signature images are now saved with their extension to support SVG files.

Fixed bugs

  • Disabled accounts no longer recover signatures triggered by IO socket events.

  • The basic authentication window triggered by an ADFS is again functional.

  • App settings are correctly displayed when the administrator has block the settings.

  • The App triggers only one notification as a result of retrieving a new signature.

  • [Windows] Optimization of signature recovery to avoid non-deletion of signatures in the Outlook store.


V 1.7.0

What’s new?

  • Ability to connect multiple accounts (maximum 5) and navigate between them.

  • Major changes following the introduction of multi accounts:
    Graphic redesign. Introduction of a hamburger menu Introduction of an account management page. Introduction of a notification center. A new screen has been added to the onboarding.

  • Updated dependencies.

  • Update to electron version 4

Fixed bugs

  • [Windows] Fixed automatic App startup for machine installers.

  • [MacOs] Optimization of integration scripts with Outlook and adding logs.

  • [Windows] Error handling when deleting a signature fails.


V 1.6.6

Fixed bugs

  • [Windows] Fixed a bug on the package of a missing dependency.


V 1.6.5
What’s new?

  • The app now has a machine wide installer.


V 1.6.4 What’s new?

  • A new information panel was added when the user has no visible profile information.

  • It is now possible to package logs into a zip file.

  • A new information panel was added when the session has expired

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed on premise attribute for main header.

  • Fixed configuration service initialization.

  • Fixed the oauth window closing on all situations.


V 1.6.3 What’s new?

  • The "Fax" attribut has been added to the profile information.

Fixed bugs

  • [MacOs] The URL for the FAQ regarding the signature set up in Mac, was fixed.


V 1.6.2
What’s new?

  • It is now possible to set or lock parameters for the app from the administration platform.


V 1.6.1
What’s new?

  • The company name field has been added to the user profile information

  • It is now possible to block or hide default attributes from the profile panel.

  • A notification is now in place when a new app version is available.

Fixed bugs

  • A correction was made on the Javascript error notification regarding the socket io connection.

  • The new onboarding URLs are well managed in the OAuth process.


V 1.6.0
What’s new?

  • A notification to prevent the user when the session has expired, has been added.

  • [Windows] The Seamless SSO authentication is now supported.

  • Updated to ElectronJS version 3

  • The number of connection attempts to the socket IO in case of error has been reduced.

  • The number of requests to find out if the user is authenticated has been reduced.

  • Improved logs.

Fixed bugs

  • The scromm bar has been fixed when custom attributes are present.

  • The email display has been fixed when it is too long.

V 1.5.7
What’s new?

  • [Windows] The name recovery of the signatures folder is now dynamic according to the language of the operating system.

  • Added a tooltip to notify the user that an attribute is uneditable.

Fixed bugs

  • [MacOs] Fixed deletion of signatures on older MacOs version.

  • Fixed migration of the authentication cookie in JWT for the websocket.


V 1.5.6
What’s new?

  • Now the app is updated in real time: Editing profile information, editing, or adding new signatures and campaigns in the platform are automatically displayed.

  • The text and the link to create a new account have been removed.

V 1.5.5
What’s new?

  • The app is now available in Spanish if the operating system is in Spanish.

  • The display of custom attributes and Letsignit attributes is now in place (depending on the admin's choice).

Fixed bugs

  • The removal of old versions of the app as a result of earlier updates is now well managed.

V 1.5.4
What’s new?

  • The app now correctly handles proxy information.

  • Improved communication with the platform to prevent the user from reconnecting.


V 1.5.3
What’s new?

  • It is now possible to update the profile picture.

  • A new design has been applied.

  • The “State” field is now supported and displayed in the profile panel.

Fixed bugs

  • [Windows] Restarting Outlook from the quick notification, now launches the correct restarting process.


V 1.5.1

Fixed bugs

  • [MacOs] Automated deletion of signatures at each update.

  • [MacOs] Old signatures stay in outlook’s signature library instead of being deleted.

  • Display problem when there is no profile picture.

  • [Windows] Images are not embedded in the email in some version of Office for Windows 64 bits.

V 1.5.0
What’s new?

  • New Multi-signature feature: Choose multiple signatures directly form outlook’s signature catalog and preview the signatures directly in the app.

  • New reply/forward feature: Preview the reply/forward signature assigned to the main signature by clicking the "reply / transfer" button.

  • ADFS connection with basic authentication is now supported.


V 1.4.9

What’s new?

  • New graphic chart

  • Authentication button visual style changed

  • New message screen when an account is suspended

  • [Windows] Outlook restart notification has changed if Outlook is not running.

  • OAuth window is now on the forefront when clicking the icon on the task bar/menu

Fixed bugs

  • The signature is incorrectly previewed when it is of a bigger size

  • [MacOs] Keyboard shortcuts are not functional (copy / paste, ..)

  • [MacOs] Appearance of a javascript alert at logout.


V 1.4.8

Fixed bugs

  • The App doesn't inform the server that the user is connected if the user is already authenticated

  • The app doesn't retrieve the signature after authentication if user disconnects and reconnects


V 1.4.7

What's new?

  • Reuse of the email address if the app detects an Office 365 or GSuite authentication

  • [Windows] The App can be reopened from a shortcut if it's already running

  • [Windows] Clicking on the taskbar icon doesn't hide the App anymore but puts it in the foreground

Fixed bugs

  • [Windows] Wrong positioning of the App when the taskbar is on the left-hand side or the right-hand side of the screen

  • Quick notification about variables update is not removed when the signature is complete

  • The App doesn't inform the server that the user is connected


V 1.4.6

What's new?

  • Letsignit App is now available on MacOs for Outlook! Download it directly from the platform

  • The App can now be executed in background! Try out this option in the settings panel

  • Addition of a notification after the first download of the signature

  • Addition of a notification about the App update

Fixed bugs

  • Impossibility to restart the App after an Office 365 or G Suite authentication

  • Possibility to open signature's links from the App

  • Wrong onboarding initialization

  • Random deactivation of scrollbars

  • Graphic bugs in settings panel when email address is long

  • [Windows] Images of the signature are missing on a TSE server


V 1.4.4

What's new?

  • Tool added for the support

Fixed bugs

  • Apply signature on a TSE server


V 1.4.2

What's new?

  • Help center is accessible from settings panel

  • Improved variables update from quick notification

  • Better way to manage signature's image deletion

  • Wording modifications

Fixed bugs

  • App not working and displaying alerts when user has no access to registry


V 1.4.1

What’s new?

  • On-boarding available after authentication

  • Releases notes can be read from settings page

  • Improved authentication mechanism

  • Graphics changes

  • Better signature integration with Outlook

  • Display a notification balloon when hiding the window

  • User is now informed when there are missing variables in current signature

Fixed bugs

  • Rendering html code in signature preview

  • App not working when Aero is deactivated on windows 7

  • User can drag and drop files or html web pages


V 1.3.10

What’s new?

  • Verification of manual and automatic updates

  • Improved signature downloading process

  • Removed the signature recovery notification at startup

Fixed bugs

  • Error message when launching the App

  • Pictures missing in email body

  • Outcome issue during certain signature recoveries

  • Disabling the App after 1 month of use

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