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Which email format is compatible with my Letsignit signature?
Which email format is compatible with my Letsignit signature?

This article shows you how to check and change the format of your emails in Outlook desktop, New Outlook and OWA (Outlook webmail).

Gaël Fulconis avatar
Written by Gaël Fulconis
Updated over a week ago

In order for your Letsignit signature to display correctly, we recommend that you use HTML format.

By default, HTML is a format designed to display visuals and therefore our signatures are designed to be displayed in this format. Since plain text or rich text formats are by definition formats intended to display text, they will generally not display the signature correctly. For example, images may be disproportionate or replaced by text.

  • Outlook desktop

From Outlook desktop, to check that the format of your emails is HTML, simply look here:

If you want to change the format of your email, you can do this from Outlook:

File-->Options-->Mail-->Compose messages in this format

  • New Outlook

If you use the new Outlook, here's how to access the email format:

"Settings" > Mail > Compose and reply > Compose messages in.

  • OWA (Outlook Web App)

If you use OWA (Outlook from a web browser) you can access it in almost the same way as the new Outlook from "Settings" button > Mail > Compose and reply > Compose messages in.

Contact us for any question about your signature display ;)

#Email format #HTML #Outlook #Signature

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