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The New Team Page
Written by Gabriel
Updated over 4 months ago


The team page has had a makeover! 🤩

We are launching a brand new team page, currently in beta version, as it will continue to evolve and be enhanced with the aim of ultimately replacing the current team page.

As a reminder, the team page allows you to centrally manage all users, groups, and subsidiaries of your account.

1- The New User Listing

1. Objectives of the New User Listing

In the first phase, we focused our development efforts on the user listing section.

The advantages of this new user listing compared to the old one (in its current production version) are:

  • A list that includes users from all subsidiaries

  • More filters available

  • A clearer view of the deployment methods used by users

  • A clearer view of the licenses consumed

  • A quick preview of the signatures and campaigns assigned to each user

2. Who Has Access?

Admins, which include:

  • Global administrators

  • Subsidiary administrators

  • Tenant administrators

3. Available Features

Ci-dessous sont listées les fonctionnalités disponible (d'autres sont à venir très prochainement, et cette FAQ sera donc mise à jour) :

  • 6 filtres combinables :

With/without signature

This filter is based solely on the "active" signatures assigned to the user.

With/without campaign

This filter is based solely on the "ongoing" campaigns assigned to the user.

Consumed license

This filter applies if the user has at least one "active" signature assigned or at least one "ongoing" campaign assigned.

Deployment mode

The user listing can be filtered based on the types of deployment/connection used by users in the last 14 days:

  • Add-in

  • Desktop app

  • Push API

  • SMTP

  • It is possible to filter the user listing by multiple connection types

  • Using a toggle, you can also filter the user listing to show only users who have had no type of connection or have had at least one connection on one of the deployment modes.


The user listing can be filtered by role:

  • Global admin

  • User

  • Subsidiary admin (if there is at least one subsidiary)


(if there is at least one subsidiary)

  • The user listing allows filtering for users who are part of or not part of a subsidiary, provided the account has at least one subsidiary.

  • A user cannot be attached to multiple subsidiaries.

  • It is possible to select one or more subsidiaries.

  • Using a toggle, you can filter the user listing to “show only users without a subsidiary.”

  • When activated, it is no longer possible to select one or more subsidiaries.

Multiple selection

If at least two filters are activated, the "Reset" button will appear to remove all filters.

NB: The combination of filters implies an "AND" operator between the different filters.


If I filter by Role = "User" and With/without signature = "without signature," I will get results for users who have the User role AND who do not have a signature.

  • A complete listing with user data:

Full name


Subsidiary affiliation

Only if the account has at least one subsidiary

Number of assigned signatures

The number of "active" signatures assigned to the user is shown.

  • Hovering over this number displays the names of the first 5 assigned signatures, with the number of additional results not shown.

  • Clicking on this element redirects to the signature page, filtered by user and "active" status.

Number of assigned campaigns

The number of "ongoing" campaigns assigned to the user is shown.

  • Hovering over this number displays the names of the first 5 assigned campaigns, with the number of additional results not shown.

  • Clicking on this element redirects to the campaign page, filtered by user and "ongoing" status.

Number of assigned groups

The number of groups assigned to the user is shown.

Hovering over this number displays the names of the first 5 assigned groups, with the number of additional results not shown.

License consumption

  • A green checkmark is displayed if a license is consumed by the user.

  • A gray dash is displayed if the user does not consume a license.

Connection status for the last 14 days

For each of the following:

  • ADD-IN



  • SMTP

  • A green circle is displayed if a connection has been recorded in the last 14 days.

  • A gray dash is displayed if the last connection is older than 14 days or if the user has never connected.

  • Hovering over the icon displays the date of the last connection, if any.

  • If no user logs in after 14 days, the column disappears again.


A user can be:

  • Global Admin

  • User

  • Subsidiary Admin (if there is at least one subsidiary)

4. Keyword Search

The search bar in the upper right corner of the page allows you to search for a user by:

  • Last name

  • First name

  • Email address

5. Filtered Selection and Export

Filtered export is finally available! 🎊🙌

Filter, select a few users or all at once, then export the data in CSV format.

6. Adding Users

Clicking on the "Add users" button will redirect you to the old team page for now, but at least it's now existing on the New team page. It's a work in progress!

The same functionalities as before are available, so don't hesitate to consult the existing article on this subject.

7. User Profile

You can now click on a user to open their personal profile.

Please note that we are gradually improving the product.

Everything will be recorded there:

  • Their main information in the upper panel contains :

    • Name

    • Picture modification

    • Connexion type

    • Licence consumption

    • Role change dropdown

    • Delegation (soon)

    • Delete button (soon)

  • Their list of their attributes

  • Their assigned and active signatures with a preview and redirection button,

  • Their active assigned campaigns with a preview and redirection button,

  • The groups they belong to

2 - Coming Soon on the Team Page

We are continuously developing and presenting advancements to enhance this new team page in order to completely replace the old one.

This article will be continuously updated with each new feature.

In the meantime, we maintain access to the old team page where all functionalities remain available.

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